Sunday, 11 November 2012

A Comic

I started a comic a fair while ago. i have no idea what the narrative was meant to be. here's the only finished page from it. click here to see it larger.

Friday, 26 October 2012

Svankmajer film screening poster

Little Otik and Lunancy were being shown at Fuel Cafe in Withington for a halloween-ish film night. here's the poster i knocked up for em.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Party Harder

I had a go at drawing Bruise Willies this months flyer for Manchester clubnight, Party Hard.

Sketch-O-Matic portrait booth

I did this Sketch-O-Matic project at the Cornerhouse in Manchester, this week. which meant i was one of the lucky artists to be picked to draw people from the voyeuristic side of a two-way mirror.
I've always wanted be a portrait artist sitting on the beach making 10 quid a pop for drawing folk as if they were nowt but melted worms.
So, i got a taste of this lifestyle for a few hours and got to scowl and stick fingers up at blokes would knock my block off if they only knew what i were up to.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Deep Time gig poster

Poster for Comfortable on a tightrope's show featuring the fabulous YellowFever aka Deep Time.

The Bell Peppers

I made a GIF of my band. dont we all look sharp in our sootse?

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Jam-Bo, man.

I did this on a bumpy bus. The Fella behind me kept peering over the seat and tutting really loudly.

Janeway is the Wrong Way

This is a very old portrait I was commissioned to do of Captain Kathryn Janeway. Needless to say she was very flattered and recommended me to the rest of the starfleet.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Party Hard

Flyer commission for a night of 'hard rocking' in Manchester.

Big Joe's Birthday Bib

I drew my freind, Joe, as a baby for his birthday, beacause he were getting his breakfast made for him like a big stupid baby.